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This website has been developed to help you understand the Word of God, the Holy Bible. We believe that the Word of God holds the keys to a peaceful, fruitful, joyful life. Jesus said that the "truth shall make you free." As you walk with Jesus and learn what the Word of God teaches you will find a new found freedom in your life.

Some of the teachings on this website may be unlike any you have ever heard. Let me encourage you to keep an open mind and also to search out what is being taught here to see if it lines up with the Bible or not. If you have problems with any of the lessons and don't agree. Send me scriptures and we can discuss your differences. Many of the lessons contained in this website will step on the toes of traditional Christianity. Jesus said that the "tradition of man makes the commandment of God of no effect." It is time to get rid of tradition and believe what the Word of God really says!

Online Bibles
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Blue Letter Bible

Study Aids
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Utah Lighthouse Ministry

Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you. 1 Timothy 4:16


God Can Change Your Mind

Medical science has evolved to the point that surgeons are doing some incredible things. Believe it or not, in the 1970’s, Dr. Robert White successfully transplanted the head of a monkey onto the body of another monkey. The monkey from the first successful surgery only lived a few hours but the surgeries became so successful that the monkeys could have lived indefinitely.

Every day, we hear of people that have gone through sexual reassignment surgery. Dr. Stanley Biber was one of the pioneers in this kind of surgery in the small town of Trinidad, Colorado. He performed as many as four surgeries a day. I’m sure you are all familiar with Chaz Bono, the daughter of Sonny Bono and Cher. Chaz, born Chastity, was featured on the Sonny and Cher show in the 1970’s. Apparently unhappy with being a woman, Chaz had sexual reassignment surgery and had her sex changed to that of a man.

All knowledge comes from God and God has given us remarkable knowledge as to how the human body works. The average life expectancy has doubled in the last few centuries. Researchers continue to search for and find cures and treatments for horrible diseases. But, at what point do we make the distinction of using the knowledge God has given us to better humankind or playing God?

When we accept Christ into our lives, we are assured of eternal life. Eternal life does not begin after we die, it is here always. You will live on eternally but it is just a matter of where you will spend eternity. Because of Adam’s sin in the garden, all of us deserve a life of separation from God but Christ paid that price so that we can be restored to God and live a life eternal bliss.

Besides the eternal life that we can live with Jesus, He wants to change us and our way of thinking.

2 Corinthians 5:17
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

One of the great things about being a “new creation” in Christ is that you can learn to love yourself and accept yourself for what you are. When we accept Christ as savior, God completely removes our sin. The Bible even says that God puts that sin away as far as the east is from the west. God no longer remembers our sin. Where the problem lies, is with us. It is so hard, sometimes to forgive yourself for the things you’ve done. Each week, my wife and I show a video to newcomers to the Celebrate Recovery program where we volunteer. One of the women in the video, who struggled with a sexual addiction, says, “I’ve learned that if God is in control of my present and my future, then He is in control of my past!” All of us have skeletons in our closets but when we come to really know Jesus, He will forgive us and change the way we think if we are willing to let Him do so.

Our church has a program called, “Exchange” which is for people with unwanted feelings of homosexuality. The lady in charge of that program told me that she struggled with same sex attraction when she was in college. When she finally, “came out of the closet”, she said she had never felt more accepted and loved than that. She was embraced by others that struggle with the same sin and heterosexuals who think the homosexual lifestyle is okay. All the while, she knew this was not God’s best for her life. Eventually she came to know the Lord and He changed her mind and her actions. She is now married with a beautiful baby daughter and she helps others that struggle with the same thing.

As Christians, we need to share the love of God! The world is hurting and in dire need of a savior. Recently a good friend of mine who works with Campus Crusade for Christ returned from a mission trip to Turkey. Spreading the gospel of Christ is illegal in muslim countries and if a muslim converts to Christianity, that is considered to be blasphemy and they can receive the death penalty. Missionaries are being sent into these countries but they must be very secretive about how they share the gospel. He told me something that I find astonishing! He said that many muslims are having dreams and visions from the Lord and they are coming to know the Lord that way. This is a direct fulfillment of prophecy.

Joel 2:28
,,,Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions.

The Bible tells us that if we don’t praise the Lord that even the rocks will cry out. Obviously, God can present Himself and the gospel to people without our help but what an honor it is for us to share the gospel which is light and the hope for all mankind. As we share the Lord with someone who has not accepted Christ, we could literally be saving their lives. What if Chaz Bono comes to know the Lord and as the Holy Spirit changes her way of thinking, she may come to regret the surgery that has mutilated her body. How much better would it be to reach someone before they go to such extreme ends?

There are people all around you that are searching for Jesus and the life that only He can give. We all have a vacuum that God built into our lives and the only thing that can fill that vacuum is Christ. People try everything else to fill that vacuum, homosexuality, drugs, alcohol, sex, work and a myriad of other things. When a person accepts Christ, that vacuum is filled and peace and joy and the rest of the fruits of the spirit are the result of that acceptance. Pray and ask God who He would have you share the gospel with then let Him lead you in meeting with and talking with that person. God will give you the opportunities and the words to say if you are willing!

All articles, graphics, images, photographs and other material are © copyright 2000 to present by Jay S. McMullan and/or his assignees. Do not copy without written, expressed permission.