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Table of Contents for
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Keep an open mind and see that the proofs in this website cannot be disputed!

What convinced me that the earth could be Flat?

Calculating the curvature of the earth, if it really is a globe

A video showing how a gyroscope proves the earth is not a globe

Could I and all the Other Flat Earthers Be Wrong

What About Photographs of the Earth?

Is the earth round or an oblate spheroid?

Why do you believe what you believe?

What is the purpose of this website?

If You are a Christian Do You Really Believe What the Bible Says?

How should the Earth look if is flat, according to the Holy Bible?

Is there really a molten core at the center of the earth?

Did the Space Shuttles really fly into outer space?

The Ponce Inlet lighthouse PROVES the earth is flat.

Gyros – Proof that the earth is not a globe.

The Horizon

The Bible Tells Us the Earth is Fixed in Space and Does Not Orbit the Sun!

The Sun's rays prove the sun is not as far from the earth as we have been told.

Flying in a Jet, How much curvature of the earth should we see at 35,000 feet above ground level?

What is the moon really?

Did NASA really put men on the moon?

Are the stars and planets lights that are excited by sound waves?

Can rocket propulsion work in space?

Here is an interesting article about the Suez Canal I found on Reddit.

Eric Dubay's "200 Proofs the Earth is Not a Spinning Ball" Video

Why have we been lied to and told the earth is a globe?

Does NASA Fake Videos and Photographs?

View from a USAF SR-71 Blackbird - Just One More Proof the Earth HAS to be Flat! Amazing Video Shows How Planets Rotate Around the Earth

NASA Proves that the Hubble Space Telescope is NOT REAL

How High is the Dome Over the Center of the Earth?

How Far Apart are the Tropics?

Useful Links



Welcome to the World's Premier Flat Earth Web Page!

Page 1

Proving that the Earth is NOT a Globe!

Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. As the owner of this website, I will not be held responsible for the information contained herein. I cannot guarantee the truthfulness or accuracy of any information contained on this website or for any information linked to from this website. Jay McMullan (JayMc.com) will not be liable to anyone in relation to the contents of this website, the contents thereof, the use thereof or otherwise in connection to this website. By using this website you agree to the terms of this disclaimer. If you do not agree with these terms you must not use this website.


YES! This is really is a website about the earth being flat! I'm sure you were taught that the earth is a globe just like I was. It was indoctrinated into my brain from elementary school all the way through university. In the middle of 2017, I was looking at the sun's rays one day and I could not believe the sun is 93 million miles away like I was taught. I began to look it up on Google and a video came up on YouTube that shared some proofs of the flat earth. That video really made me question what I had been taught.

You can call me CRAZY if you want but let me challenge you to do some research yourself with an open mind. I believe as you begin to look at the evidence that points to the earth being flat, you will run across something that could just make you begin to question the things you have been taught all your life!

We've seen NASA's photographs of the earth, the moon, mars, venus and other planets so we KNOW it must all be TRUE - OR IS IT? SURELY the U.S. government would not lie to us or WOULD THEY? There is NO WAY they could ever perpetrate a hoax that big anyway - OR COULD THEY? No one ever believed Adolph Hitler could pull off the lies he did and kill so many. One of the reasons Hitler was able to do as much damage as he did was because no one believed he could be as evil as he truly was and that he would do the things he did. England's Neville Chamberlain thought he acheived peace with Hitler and Nazi Germany but was, in fact, completely deceived.

I do not know all of the answers to every question that can be asked about the Flat Earth.

There are other people that have studied it much longer than I have . I present the information below for your perusal. The topics on this website are my beliefs and other's beliefs. If you have more questions, check out the Helpful Links section and watch many of the videos that are available on YouTube.

But have we REALLY been Deceived?


If You Want to Know the TRUTH - You MUST keep an open Mind!

Unfortunately, Most People are Satisfied to Keep Believing The Lies They Have Been Told - It is Just Too Painful For Them to Even Consider Any Other Point of View

“It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Mark Twain

We have been taught to throw out things that we see with our own eyes and percieve with our own senses! How ludicrous is this?


We have been told that the oceans stick to the globe earth because of gravity. If this was true, water would not flow down valleys, streambeds or riverbeds. Anytime you want to see if water really sticks to round surfaces, go look at a creek running down a hill! Water ALWAYS seeks its own level! It does NOT stick to a globe earth. The earth is FLAT!

Keep an Open Mind and See that the Proofs in this Website Cannot be Disputed!

If you truly will keep an open mind and if you want to study the flat earth theory and see if there is really anything to it then let me give you some suggestions for studying the material that I have placed on this web page. What I suggest is to start with the Table of Contents at the top of this page and take one topic at a time and spend some time reading and re-reading it. If I reference any other web pages or videos, take a look at them subjectively. Google the topics I have included and see if you find anyone else that agrees with me or even disagrees with me and find out why! Do your best to be subjective and don't just assume everything you were taught since you were a child is true concerning the earth. If you come into this with a closed mind, you will just be wasting your time. If you do, truly, keep an open mind, I don't see how you will come away with anything but, at the very least, questions about what we have all been taught about a "globe earth." You may even changing what you believe like I did when you see the proofs that are so evident, at least to me.

Most of the "Proofs" I present on this website are enough in, of and by themselves to prove that the earth is flat. Combining all of the information below should be enough to prove to any skeptic that the earth is flat. There are no experiments that we can perform by ourselves to prove the earth is a round globe. After viewing all of the information below, if you continue to believe the earth is a globe, it is only because you are believing, by blind faith, what you have been told when there is absolutely no proof of the heliocentric model. Mark Twain said, "It is easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they have been fooled." Unfortunately, pride is involved when we have believed lies for most of our lives. It is hard for us to admit we were wrong. When you finally do come to the realization that the earth is flat and it is not a globe like you have been told most of your life, people will make fun of you and mock you but that is part of the cost of standing up for truth. Those who ridicule and make fun of you are just narrow minded people who refuse to look at the truth. It really is to their detriment!

What Convinced Me That the Earth is Flat? Why I Believe What I Believe

After researching the information that is available online and doing the math, literally, I am convinced that heliocentrism or the ball earth theory is not correct. I am absolutely convinced that the sun is NOT 93 million miles away and I'm convinced that the moon is not as far away as they say either! I absolutely do not believe the earth is a globe.

I am just like you. I was indoctrinated into believing the earth is a globe from the time I was in kindergarten and all the way through university. I always assumed the flat earth theory was a bunch of bunk until I truly began to look into it. I have found too many proofs that I can't dispute. When it all comes down to it, there are no real, good proofs of a globe earth! People will claim the same "experiments" and what ancient scientists said but none of the people I've ever talked to that dispute the flat earth have ever done any kind of tests to prove the earth is a globe. Just like me, they believe what they have been told all their lives!

What got me to look more deeply into these things? For some reason, I ran across a video on Youtube. On that video, there were a couple of things that caught my attention. The first was about the rays of the sun. We've all seen them. They, by themselves, prove that the sun CANNOT be 93 million miles away. Look at the rays of the sun, then follow them from earth, back up to the sun. If the sun was 93 million miles away, its rays would be straight to our eyes and not angled!

"Gyroscopes MAINTAIN their RIGIDITY in space." United States Navy

Another thing that caught my attention was the fact that a gyroscope PROVES, WITHOUT ONE BIT OF DOUBT IN MY MIND that the earth is flat and it does not spin on an axis. Our Navy did a film back in the 1960's and they admit that a gyroscope "maintains its rigidity in space." If I were to spin up a gyroscope where I sit now, just west of Orlando, Florida, that gyroscope will continue to be stationary to the plane on which it was spun up. If the earth truly does rotate from west to the east like we have been taught, the gyroscope will appear to move and it will make one complete revolution in a 24 hour period. It doesn't happen and that by itstelf proves the earth does not rotate. Aircraft use horizontal attitude indicators that work off of a gyroscope. I fly from Orlando to Salt Lake City at least once a year. If the earth were curved as a globe, after leaving Orlando, if the pilot did not continually push the nose of the airplane down as the airplane flew on its path, the aircraft would be well over 600 miles IN SPACE by the time it arrived in Salt Lake City! That is higher than we are told the space shuttle normally orbited the earth!

Also, if the earth rotates FROM WEST TO EAST at 1,000 miles per hour (at the equator), it would take much more time to fly east from Salt Lake City to Orlando. On the other hand, it would take much less time flying west from Orlando to Salt Lake City because the earth would be spinning 1,000 mph below the airplane. If the airplane tried to land going north or south, it would crash because the earth, again, is rotating at 1,000 mph below you from west to east! Are you beginning to see the truth here?

You will see more about this later on this page.

If I believe everything I have been taught in school then, along with the globe earth theory, I must believe in EVOLUTION but I do NOT!

Until 500 years ago the flat earth theory was what most people on earth believed. Could it be that the globe earth theory is a lie? Were those people correct?

Like you, the first time I heard there are people who honestly believe the earth is flat, I scoffed. I laughed and thought those people are ignorant,,,until I watched the video below. From the very start it caught my attention. Like me, I'm sure you have asked the question, "WHY?" Why would we be lied to and told that the earth is a globe?

Originally, when I started this page, below I linked to a video that was the first I saw that began to convince me that the earth is not a globe. Unfortunately, videos come and go on Youtube. Some are taken down by the people that originally post them. Other videos are censored by Youtube and we have seen much of that in the last year (see this). The following video covers 200 facts that prove the earth is not a spinning ball. Eric Dubay has put out many videos that have opened the eyes of many people who have begun to see that the earth is not a globe. Yes, the video is long. If you can't watch it all in one day, take a few days and watch a little each day.

Planet Flat Earth - 2019 Documentary II (Video 1:1)

As I said earlier, there were two things that immediately made me question the truth of the globe earth theory.

The first thing was Erastathenes' theory about the sun being 93 million miles away. I did the math and his theory does not work out. IF the sun is actually that far from earth and as big as scientist say it is, there would be very little difference between the angles of the sun's rays at over 500 miles. In fact, the difference would be so small that you would not be able to notice it with the naked eye. I prove this mathematically further down this page. Click Here.

Calculating the Curvature of the Earth

We should be able to see how much the earth will curve from one point to another and there is a very simple mathematical calculation that will tell you just how much curvature there is from one point to another. For example, my son and his family live near Salt Lake City. As the crow flies, it is approximately 2,300 miles from Orlando, where I live, to Salt Lake City. So when I am sitting on the airplane, ready for my trip, let's assume that I am sitting right on the very top of the globe earth and I am going to fly 2,300 miles to Salt Lake City. When we take off we get to our cruising altitude and then the pilot flies as straight as he can to Salt Lake City. If the earth is a globe, and the airplane's gyro or "artificial horizon" shows straight ahead and the pilot never makes any corrections to put the nose down, let's calculate just how far above the earth we will be when we get to Salt Lake City. The mathematical calculation is very simple.

To determine the amount of dropoff from one point to another on a globe earth:

Miles traveled (M) squared times 8 inches.

M2 x 8 inches = Amount of curvature drop off in inches.

Divide answer by 12 to determine feet.

Divide by 12 and then by 5280 to determine miles.

From Orlando to Salt Lake City

2,3002 (5,290,000) x 8 inches = 42,320,000 inches above the earth.

42,320,000 / 12 = 3,526,666.67 feet above the earth.

3,526,666.67 feet / 5280 = 627.93 miles above the earth.

This would put the airplane far into space unless the pilot continually made adjustments to his aircraft by pushing the nose of the airplane down over and over. The gyro doesn't lie! There are experiments on the Internet that prove the earth is not spinning. A gyro is a simple yet precise instrument. All modern day aircraft have artificial horizons that run off internal gyroscopes otherwise known as gyros. The gyro spins up and is held in conjunction to the plain (attitude) that it is on. The gyro DOES NOT point to the center of the earth (we'll talk about this later). To make the gyro deviate is extremely difficult. The gyro in an airplane's artificial horizon does not correct itself for any curvature of the earth.

The gyro works perfectly on a flat plain but not on the globe earth model.

Is Earth Moving? - Summary of 6 hr Universally mounted Gyroscope Experiment #FlatEarth (Video 1:2)

Could I and all the Other Flat Earthers Be Wrong?

I sincerely want to know the TRUTH! When I say I believe the earth is flat, my belief is about 95% that it is flat. And, yes, obviously I could be wrong and so could all the other people who believe the earth is a round plane. But, to me and to many other people, the evidence points to the earth being flat. On this web page, I introduce fact after fact that I have been unable to debunk.

I've had people get angry with me and I ask them why they believe the earth is a globe. I usually get reason, not facts back from them. I hear things like this, "Every morning, the sun rises in the east! This proves the earth is a globe!" Well, no, it doesn't. The sun "rising" in the east every morning fits perfectly with the flat earth theory as does all the rest of their reasoning.

What About Photographs of the Earth?

I hear people say, "NASA has taken photographs of earth and we can see it is a round ball." I hate to burst their bubble but almost ALL of the photos that NASA has given us were taken in sections either by airplane and/or space ships only in low earth orbit then they are STITCHED together!

I remember the first time I was introduced to "photo stitching." I am a professional photographer and I used to sponsor an annual "Photo Tour" in Utah. One of the men who joined me on one of the Photo Tours showed me a photograph that had been stitched together. I had not switched to digital imaging at that time and I was amazed at how great the image looked. There are videos online that include an interview with one of NASA's graphic artists and he explains how many of NASA's images are taken and then stitched together to create the photos that NASA shares with the world. He even admits that the images are "Photoshopped" and says, "They have to be." Below is one of the many videos that talk about what the graphic artist said about the photos NASA gives the public.

Robert Simmon "Mr. Blue Marble" (Video 1:3)

Just how easy would it be to fake a photograph of the earth? Very easy! Computer programs like Adobe's Photoshop makes it incredibly easy to manipulate photographs. Many, if not all, of NASA's supposed photographs of earth have been heavily "photoshopped." Below, you will see different photos that NASA has presented to the public. Compare the top middle photograph to the bottom left and notice how the size of the land mass has changed significantly yet the size of the earth is exactly the same!

NASA's graphic artists get pretty sloppy when they are creating these "images" of earth. We really shouldn't call them photographs when they really aren't photographs. They are digital images and they were created, possibly, with some photographs that were stitched together and then with a lot of other graphic processes. The image on the bottom right, has "lights" added showing where more population is in America. It also has a streak of light on the right side of the image, trying to make it look more round and like the sun is shining on the back side of the earth. This was all done by a graphic artist. It is NOT a photograph. As we saw in the video above, Robert Simmons actually admits that they are NOT photographs but most people just buy into the lie without understanding these are hi-tech paintings.

How easy is it to manipulate images with Photoshop and other computer programs? It is VERY easy! Look at the photo below and see how NASA's graphic artists have copied areas in the image and added them in, in other places.

Each area that is marked in the image above has been copied by a graphic artist. Again, these are NOT photographs. They are images that were created by artists.

Below is a photograph that I took of the sunset at Clearwater Beach, Florida. On the left, is the original image. On the right, I used the "clone stamp tool" in Adobe Photoshop to add more suns and more clouds. I was able to copy these images in about two minutes. Of course, I could spend more time blending and making everything look more realistic but NASA's graphic artists don't take the time to do that. Their images really are pretty sloppy.


Is the Earth Round or an "Oblate Spheroid?"

Most of you who are into science have probably heard of Neil deGrasse Tyson. You have probably seen him on television too. He says that the earth is not really round but that it is an "oblate spheroid." He goes on to say that it looks more like a pear than a round ball. The problem with that is, you have two differing opinions. NASA shows us "photographs" of the earth which are perfectly round! WHO IS CORRECT?

Why do you Believe What You Believe?

Let's face it, IF all of this is true and if we believe the earth is a globe, it is because of what we have been told most of our lives. One of the very first things we see as children when walk into our first classroom is a globe! We don't have any personal experience which PROVES the earth is a globe. .

Scientific theory changes over time. So does medical technology. There was a time when people would go to their local barber when they had some kind of ailment and the Dentist/Doctor would cut them with some grisly looking tools and everyone thought that would heal the patient! Thank goodness we don't do that any longer!

The Bible tells us the earth is flat, round plane, like a pancake and that it has four corners. When God first created the earth, He created it in an absolutely perfect state. Lucifer was ruler of this earth and its subjects. At some point, Lucifer and other angels tried to rise above God but they were cast back into the earth and it was destroyed by a cataclysmic, world wide flood (this was not Noah's flood, it was a different flood). We see this in Genesis 1:2.

Genesis 1:2 (KJV)
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters (flood).

The earth was originally created out of nothing and is probably as old as Google tells us. When asking the question in Google, "How old is the earth?" the response is "4.543 billion years." We can actually trace Adam and Eve back to only about 6,000 years ago though. If you study the Bible you will find that a lot of things happened before Adam and Eve were created. Lucifer was the ruler of earth, there were people on the earth, there were sanctuaries and there were even highways. I am inclined to believe, any time archaeologists find somethat is dated to be older than 6,000 years, it comes from what we call the "PreAdamite World." I believe the Sphynx is an example of this. It is a commonly held belief that it existed before Kafra discovered it and the Egyptians started building their pyramids. It was in this Pre-Adamite world that the dinosaurs existed. Many scientists believe it was the Chicxulub asteroid which hit the earth leaving an impact crater in the Yucatan Peninsula that caused all of the dinosaurs and other life on earth to be destroyed. I also believe that is what destroyed this earth but I believe it was actually Satan being thrown out of heaven and into the earth that caused this.

In that Pre-Adamite flood, the Bible tells us that EVERYTHING, people, animals, bugs, etc. was killed and the earth was completely destroyed. Light was snuffed out and not only did darkness cover the earth, spiritual darkness and wickedness also covered the earth. The earth was a surging mass of flooded debris. From Genesis 1:2 and on, the earth is re-created out of materials that were already there. The Bible also tells us that when God re-created the earth he created a "firmament" or sky, to separate the waters below and the waters above. Like many other Christians, I always thought the waters "above" were water droplets but what if it really is water that is above us and it fills the universe? There were several scientists in the 19th and early 20th centuries who believed that the universe was made up of an ether.

Genesis 1:6-8 (KJV)
And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Genesis 1:14-19 (KJV)
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. 16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. 17And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, 18And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. 19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

I believe the Bible, when it is "rightly divided" will always agree with "true science." Remember that most of what science teaches us is mostly a bunch of theories. Someone gets an idea that "that is the way it is" and other people buy into it. Science is ever changing and so are theories. Einsteen came up with his theory of relativity in the mid 20th century and it wasn't long until other scientists begin to shoot holes in it. Even modern math has flaws that mathemeticians cannot decipher. It is absolutely possible that some of the things we have been taught are not right.

What is the Purpose of this Website?

The purpose of this website is not to convince anyone that the earth is flat or even that it is a globe. You can believe what you wish to believe. When I first began this website, I wasn't completely convinced the earth is flat. After all, I had been told the earth is a round planet for fifty-seven years! After doing the math and doing much research, I am 95% convinced that the earth is not a globe but rather, a plane. You have the right to make up your mind. When I run across things like this, I do my best to keep an open mind and try to look at the evidence honestly and without preconcieved Ideas. That is all I ask of you. Please keep an open mind!

When I first viewed the video which is posted above I was fascinated with the whole flat earth thing. If you would have approached me before I viewed the video and told me you believe the earth is flat, I would have thought you are off your rocker. I would ask the same questions everyone has asked me. What about gravity? What about all of the photos of the earth? What about NASA and everything they have discovered? Why would anyone lie to us and how can that many people be in on a hoax? As you watch this video and others on the Internet, many of those questions will be answered.

Reasoning with our human minds will lead us to being proponents of the flat earth theory. It takes a lot of faith, if you will, to believe the earth is a spinning globe. We would have to believe that people are standing upside down in the southern hemisphere. We would have to believe that water sticks to a ball as well as people because of gravity. The globe earth theory wants us to believe that the weight of the oceans are held to the globe yet a bird can fly and defeat the power of gravity that holds down all the water! I could go on and on but you see my point.

So, this website is for those of you who have open minds and you want to know truth.

If You are a Christian, Do You Really Believe What the Bible Says?

Chances are, if you are a Christian, you probably don't believe eveything in the Bible! There are a couple of reasons for that. The first is that most Christians have never read the entire Bible and they don't have a clue what is really written inside its covers. The second reason is that, when some Christians do learn of what the Bible teaches, they have a hard time believing everything. Let's look at a couple of Scriptures and what they say about this.

Hosea 4:6 (ESV)
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

Most Christians never truly study God's Word, the Bible, like they should so they are ignorant of Bible truths and they suffer from that because they don't know they have victory over the devil and they don't know the victory that being a Christian brings.

Other Christians have learned these things but have rejected them. They are, for sure, headed for destruction in their lives! The Bible is very clear about this.

Proverbs 1:28-29 (ESV)
28 Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently but will not find me. 29 Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the LORD,

Pay close attention to the next section of this website. You will see a drawing of what the earth truly looks like according to what the Holy Bible tells us. The video that follows gives you 75 Bible verses that prove all of this.

How Should the Earth Look if it is Flat, According to the Holy Bible?

Take a look at the drawing I made and the scriptures that go along with it.

Click on the Image to Enlarge it.

Watch the following video for over 75 scriptures that prove the earth is flat and that it looks like the illustration above. Also, if you pull this video up on YouTube, you will find a list of each of the scriptures.

75 KJV Bible verses that prove a Flat Earth (Video 1:4)

What About Earth's Molten Core?

The molten core we have been taught about for years is just a theory. No one knows for absolutely certain that there is a core in the earth that is molten. Obviously no one has ever been there. The deepest hole ever drilled into the earth was drilled 12 kilometers deep. That isn't even all the way through just the crust! The Soviet drilling company could never get past that point. So, the truth is, NO ONE truly knows what is in the center of the earth!

Did the Space Shuttles REALLY Go Into Space?

I saw 4 shuttle launches from very close. I was 8 miles away, directly across the intercoastal waterway in Titusville, Florida. It is the closest you can get without getting on NASA land.

Did the Space Shuttles REALLY Go to Space? (Video 1:5)

Space Shuttle Heading North

I was approximately 8 miles directly west of the space shuttle launch (STS 133) when I took this photograph. As with every launch I've seen, the shuttles would get to altitude and then turn directly north. I have been told it helps get them into space but scientists tell us that the earth rotates from west to east so the shuttle should turn to the west instead of the north! The space shuttles always level out at about the same altitude as a commercial jet's cruising altitude, between 30,000 and 40,000 feet agl. If they are as high as they say they are when they jettison their booster rockets you would not be able to see the shuttle OR the boosters. Photograph © 2016 to present by Jay S. McMullan. All rights reserved.

At this point on Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 4:31 PM STS-133 had dropped its two external fuel tanks. You would think it would still be climbing straight up, or at least going to the west to meet the "rotation" of the earth if it was going to go into space. Where the shuttle is in this photo is where you can see jets flying almost every day when the sun reflects off of them. The red square is zoomed in, in the following photo to show you that the external tanks have been jettisoned. This was Discovery's last mission.


NASA told us that the SRB, the Solid Rocket Boosters were jettisoned at 146,000 feet agl. There is NO WAY the shuttle was at that altitude when it jettisoned the SRB's. Maybe 40,000 feet at the most. Have you ever seen a commercial jet flying across the sky and leaving a contrail? They normally fly at an average of 35,000 feet agl and that is about how high the shuttle was when it let go of those tanks. If you watch videos of the SRB's being jettisoned, they always show the shuttle still going straight up into the sky. These photos and the video above show that the shuttle is in level flight with the earth when they are released!

STS-133 Space Shuttle Launch

Compare the shuttle in this video to the photos I took above. NASA says the shuttle is 28 miles (over 145,000 feet agl) in altitude when it jettisons its booster rockets. Notice in the photo that when the boosters are jettisoned, the shuttle is flying LEVEL at about the same altitude as a commercial jet! You would not be able to see the shuttle at 28 miles above ground level and yet, I have clearly photographed it. Just how well can you see a commercial airliner at 35,000 feet agl? It is getting just about to the point you can't see it without its contrail. How are you going to see the shuttle at 28 miles agl? (Video 1:6)

The Ponce Inlet Lighthouse PROVES the Earth is Flat!

Construction began on the Ponce De Leon lighthouse in 1835 and was first lit in 1887. The lighthouse is the tallest in Florida and one of the tallest in the United States.

Using our calculation for the curvature of the earth - distance in miles squared time 8 = inches in curvature we can easily determine just how much curvature of the earth there would be at the distance we are told the light of the lighthouse can be seen..

The Ponce De Leon lighthouse is 175ft tall. The "focal height" is 159ft. That is the height to the light in the lighthouse. The range of the light is said to be 17 nautical miles (19.56 miles).

The Ponce Inlet Lighthouse
If the earth is really a globe like we have been taught, there is no way that ships could see the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse from 19.56 miles (17 nautical miles) away. Run the numbers for yourself and you will see that the math DOES NOT lie! All it takes is a little bit of simple math to prove that the earth is not a globe. Photograph © 2016 to present by Jay S. McMullan. All rights reserved.

So let's calculate the curvature of the earth at the maximum range of the light from the lighthouse.

19.56 miles X 19.56 miles = 382.59 X 8 = 3,060.75 inches of curvature

3060.75 / 12 = 255. 0625 FEET of CURVATURE of the EARTH at 17 nautical miles (19.56 miles)!

There is NO WAY the the light of Ponce Inlet lighthouse at 159 feet could be seen from 17 nautical miles away nor can the very top of the lighthouse at 175 FEET be seen from 17 nautical miles away!


GYROSCOPES - Proof that the Earth is NOT a GLOBE!

When I was just a young boy, my dad bought a gyroscope. I was amaze at how it would stand straight up on a tightly stretched string! It would also stay in position on my dad's finger!

All airplanes have a horizontal atitude indicator, or an "artificial horizon" that runs on a gyroscope.

Artificial Horizon
Gyroscope in operation
This is a typical artificial horizon A pilot will always know where the horizon is with this instrument even if he can't see out the front of the aircraft. By keeping the nose of the aircraft on the white line between the brown terrain and the blue sky, the aircraft will maintain level flight. Artificial horizons in aircraft are powered by internal gyroscopes.
A gyroscope in operation. Note the freedom of rotation in all three axes. The rotor will maintain its spin axis direction regardless of the orientation of the outer frame.

"Traditional, self-contained attitude indicators use a gyroscope (powered via vacuum or electrically) to establish an inertial platform. The gyroscope is geared to a display that has two degrees of freedom, simultaneously displaying pitch and bank. The display may be colored to indicate the horizon as the division between the two colored segments (typically blue for sky and brown for ground), and is intended to be intuitive to use. The actual bank angle is calibrated around the circumference of the instrument. The pitch angle is indicated by a series of calibration lines, each representing 5° or 10° of pitch depending on design." From Wikipedia.

If you take a gyroscope and spin it up, it will "maintain its rigidity in space." Do not forget this statement! Gyroscopes never point to the center of the earth. As the earth rotates (if it did rotate) you will see the proof of that in the relation of the gyroscope to the spinning earth. The proof that the earth is flat and does NOT rotate is indisputable with the use of a gyroscope. Military equipment run on "inertial guidance systems" and not GPS. Inertial guidance systems are run by gyroscopes!

Why Gyroscopes Proves Flat Earth - Case Closed (Video 1:7)

The Horizon

Why is the horizon named the "horizon?" It is because it is "horizontal." No matter how high you get, the horizon is still flat! Amateurs have sent balloons up to over 80,000 feet above sea level and you guessed it, the horizon is still flat. You will see some videos where a camera is taken into near space and you will see that the horizon is curved. In all of those videos, a camera with a "fish-eye" lens.

If the earth was truly a globe, when you gaze off into the horizon, you would have to look down but instead, because the earth is a flat plain, the horizon will always "rise to meet" your eyes. You would also see the earth dropping off when you look to the left and to the right and it does not happen.

Fisheye lens

This skyline photograph was taken with a wide angle "fish-eye" lens. You can see the distortion of the horizon. By moving the lens up and down, the horizon will appear to have curvature, up or down, depending on the angle of the lens. When a photograph of the horizon is taken with a "normal lens" the horizon will appear to be flat as it actually is.

Flat Horizon

You can see from this photograph, taken at a very high altitude, that the horizon is flat. This was taken with a normal lens which proves the earth is not a globe.

FLAT Earth High Altitude NO Fish Eye Lense (Video 1:8)

The Bible Tells Us the Earth is Fixed in Space and Does Not Orbit the Earth!

From the very time we are young, we are taught that the earth spins on an axis at 1,000mph and that it rotates around the sun, in its yearly orbit, at 62,000mph. There is no proof of any of this whatsoever! If we would just believe what the Bible says we would understand the way the earth, the sun, the moon and the universe is all set up. The earth is fixed in space and the sun, the moon and the starts rotate around the plain of the earth. Are you a Christian and do you believe what the Bible says?

1 Chronicles 16:30b (KJV)
"the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved."

Psalm 93:1 (KJV)
"the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved."

Psalm 96:10 (BBE)
"the world is ordered so that it may not be moved,,,"

Psalm 104:5 (YLT)
"He hath founded earth on its bases, It is not moved to the age and for ever."

Isaiah 45:18
"...who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast..."

Joshua 10:12-13 (BBE)
It was on the day when the Lord gave up the Amorites into the hands of the children of Israel that Joshua said to the Lord, before the eyes of Israel, Sun, be at rest over Gibeon; and you, O moon, in the valley of Aijalon. 13And the sun was at rest and the moon kept its place till the nation had given punishment to their attackers. (Is it not recorded in the book of Jashar?) So the sun kept its place in the middle of the heavens, and was waiting, and did not go down, for the space of a day.

1 Chronicles 16:30b (KJV)
"the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved."

Psalm 93:1 (KJV)
"the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved."

Psalm 96:10 (BBE)
"the world is ordered so that it may not be moved,,,"

Psalm 104:5 (YLT)
"He hath founded earth on its bases, It is not moved to the age and for ever."

Isaiah 45:18
"...who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast..."

Joshua 10:12-13 (BBE)
It was on the day when the Lord gave up the Amorites into the hands of the children of Israel that Joshua said to the Lord, before the eyes of Israel, Sun, be at rest over Gibeon; and you, O moon, in the valley of Aijalon. 13And the sun was at rest and the moon kept its place till the nation had given punishment to their attackers. (Is it not recorded in the book of Jashar?) So the sun kept its place in the middle of the heavens, and was waiting, and did not go down, for the space of a day.

Flat Earth Model(Video 1:9)

The Sun's Rays Prove the Sun is Not as Far From the Earth as We Have Been Told!

We have been told that the sun and the earth are 93 million miles apart. The sun's rays that we see on earth PROVES that that this can't be! When you see the sun's rays, you can easily follow those rays directly up to the sun.

I drew the sun and the earth in their exact sizes on Autocad. Autocad is very powerful computer aided drafting (CAD) software. Being able to copy the drawing of the sun and the earth in relation to each other, you can't really see the earth. It is smaller than a period in the type I am using on this website.

We are told that the sun has a diameter of 864,340 miles. Likewise, we are told the earth's diameter is 7,917.5 miles. If that is true, the sun is 109.17 times bigger than the earth. Let's scale this down into numbers we can understand. The average pin has a head with a diameter of 2mm. So if the earth had a diameter of 2mm, the sun would have a diameter of 218.3mm or 8.6 inches. If this were true, the sun's rays would always appear to be straight and even. There would be no angles to the sun's rays at all! This proves that the earth is not nearly as far away or as big as we are told.

Imagining that the earth is only 2mm in diameter or .08 inches and the Sun is 8.6 inches in diameter, at this scale, the distance between the Sun and Earth would be a whopping 77.07 feet!

In this image, the Sun and Earth are scaled down. The Earth is 2mm or .08 inches in diameter and the Sun is 8.6 inches in diameter. At this scale, the distance between the Sun and Earth is 77.07 feet!

If the sun really is 93 million miles from the earth, the sun's rays will be shining down almost completely straight instead of at large angles like we see. People who have studied the flat earth theory believe the earth and the moon are about 3,000 miles above the earth, not 93 million miles. The sun and the moon rotate around the earth. The sun moves between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer, giving us our seasons.

Distance from the Sun to the Earth

This image is drawn to scale. The Earth is too tiny to be seen. There is no way that the sun's rays will converge as we see on earth if the sun and earth are this far apart!

The Sun's rays prove the Sun is NOT 93 million miles away as we have been told. The rays, when followed up will converge at the Sun's point of origin. Some scientists have concluded that the Sun is actually only about 3,000 miles above the Earth's surface and within the firmament dome that God placed over the Earth. People, believe the evidence you see with your own eyes!


Crepuscular and Anticrepuscular Rays

"The entire heliocentric model is based on things that can't be proved." We have all been indoctrinated by the powers that be. Do your own experiments to find out what is reality! The sun is NOT 93 million miles away.

TIME LAPSE OF THE SUN PROVES FLAT EARTH - HD Perspective Matrix (Video 1:10)

The following video explains very well, how the convergence lines we see coming from the sun, go right back up to the sun. These rays prove that the sun cannot possibly be 93 million miles. I can't believe anyone even tried to pull this hoax on us! It is so obvious that the sun is closer than we have been told! The following video does an excellent job of showing this proof!

How Close is the Sun? You Will Be Surprised FLAT EARTH (Video 1:11)

Calculating the Visible Curvature of the Earth from 35,000 Feet Above Ground Level

Every time I have flown commercially, I have been unable to see the curvature of the earth, even at 35,000 feet. Am I missing something? What does the math say? Click Here to find out.

What About Looking Out of a Jetliner at 35,000 Feet Above Ground Level

Surely by looking out of an airplane at 35,000 feet above ground level we should FINALLY be able to see some curvature to the earth, SHOULDN'T WE?

If the earth is a GLOBE, YES we would be able to see curvature to the earth. Not only would we see curvature in the distance directly in front of us but also to our left and right. But, GUESS WHAT? You can't see any curvature, much less, the amount that you should be able to see. You must know though that some aircraft have side windows that have some curvature to them in order to withstand the cabin's pressurization. You may think you see a little curvature of the earth from airplanes that have these windows but you will not see the amount of curvature that YOU SHOULD SEE IF THE EARTH IS A GLOBE.

I ran the calculations of what we can see from an aircraft flying at 35,000 feet above ground level. The math does not lie!

Click here to download the Word .docx File or continue reading for the same information.

Calculating the Visible Curvature of the Earth from 35,000 Feet Above Ground Level

© 2017 Jay S. McMullan

From Wikipedia

However, ignoring the effect of atmospheric refraction, distance to the horizon from an observer close to the Earth's surface is about[5]
However, ignoring the effect of atmospheric refraction, distance to the horizon from an observer close to the Earth's surface is about[5]

where d is in kilometres and h is height above ground level in metres.

• For an observer standing on the ground with h = 1.70 metres (5 ft 7 in), the horizon is at a distance of 4.7 kilometres (2.9 mi).
• For an observer standing on the ground with h = 2 metres (6 ft 7 in), the horizon is at a distance of 5 kilometres (3.1 mi).
• For an observer standing on a hill or tower of 100 metres (330 ft) in height, the horizon is at a distance of 36 kilometres (22 mi).
• For an observer standing at the top of the Burj Khalifa (828 metres (2,717 ft) in height), the horizon is at a distance of 103 kilometres (64 mi).
• For an observer atop Mount Everest (8,848 metres (29,029 ft) in altitude), the horizon is at a distance of 336 kilometres (209 mi).
With d in miles (i.e. "land miles" of 5,280 feet (1,609.344 m)[5]) and h in feet,

Examples, assuming no refraction:
• For an observer on the ground with eye level at h = 5 ft 7 in (1.70 m), the horizon is at a distance of 2.9 miles (4.7 km).
• For an observer standing on a hill or tower 100 feet (30 m) in height, the horizon is at a distance of 12.2 miles (19.6 km).
• For an observer on the summit of Aconcagua (22,841 feet (6,962 m) in height), the sea-level horizon to the west is at a distance of 184 miles (296 km).
• For a U-2 pilot, whilst flying at its service ceiling 70,000 feet (21,000 m), the horizon is at a distance of 324 miles (521 km)
From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizon

The information above is the distance we can see straight in front of us.

What is the distance we should be able to see straight in front of us if we are at 35,000 feet(10.668 km) above ground level (agl)? We will disregard any atmospheric haze.

Solve for d

h is our height above ground level (agl) in meters = 10668

3.57 X 103.28 = 368.73 kilometers

368.73 km = 229.12 miles is how far we can see straight ahead

Next problem:
How far from side to side (left to right) can a normal human see at 35,000 feet agl?

I have always read that with a 35mm camera, a 50mm lens approximates what the human eye sees.
The angle of view for a 50mm lens is

The normal angle of view for a human’s eyes is 46.8 degrees.

The approximate field of view of an individual human eye(measured from the fixation point, i.e., the point at which one's gaze is directed) varies by facial anatomy, but is typically 30° superior (up, limited by the brow), 45° nasal (limited by the nose), 70° inferior (down), and 100° temporal (towards the temple). Wikipedia

What is our field of view when turning our heads from left to right?

Using Autocad (extremely powerful computer aided design software) I can determine that we should be able to see 199 miles from left to right without turning our heads one a completely clear day.

To determine curvature use the formula: miles2 x 8 = inches

1992 X 8 = 316,808 inches of curvature.
313,632 / 12 = 26,400.67 feet of curvature
26,136 / 5,280 = 5 miles of curvature

This is we never turn our head!

Let’s say we can easily double our field of view by turning our heads (in actuality, we can probably do much more than that but let’s assume that our vision is limited by looking out of the window of an airplane and lets says we can see a field of view of 94 degrees.

Autocad tells me we should be able to turn our heads and see 476 miles from left to right!

4762 X 8 = 1,812,608 inches
1,812,608 in / 12 = 151,050.67 feet
160982.64 ft / 5,280 feet = 28.6 miles of curvature

Googling “What is the diameter of the earth” I come up with 7,917.5 miles.

Using this, I plug it all into Autocad and this will show you the curvature of the earth that you should easily be able to see from inside an airplane from 35,000 ft agl.

This may not look like much but if you continue to look to your left or right, the horizon would continue to fall off more rapidly the further you look. Also, looking straight ahead, the horizon would not rise to meet your eye level.

In all reality, our field of view when turning our eyes to the limits, left and right, would be more like 127 degrees. You can see just how much curvature of a globe that there should be. When we fly, even at 35,000 feet above ground level, we do not see any curvature of the earth from side to side or straight ahead. By turning our heads all the way we would be able to see 180 degrees from left to right.

IF THE EARTH IS A GLOBE, by looking straight out the window of your airplane while at 35,000 feet above ground level, at the edge of your peripheral vision, you will see a 1.23 mile drop off on the horizon. This, of course, is if there is no haze on the horizon which is very doubtful but we will use this scenario in our examples.

By looking out the window of the airplane, again at 35,000 agl and by turning your head slightly in each direction, left and right in a 94 degree angle of vision, you will see a 7.17 mile drop off in each direction.

And finally, by turning your eyes in a more reasonable and realistic manner from left to right in a 127 degree angle of vision you will see an almost 22 mile drop off from left to right! Instead, anytime you fly, the horizon is ALWAYS flat! There are occasions when you will see photographs or video where there is a very pronounced curvature to the earth but in ALL of these cases a fish eye lens was used!

Here is a video that shows just how the horizon is flat at different altitudes from a commercial airliner.

FLAT EARTH PILOT Risks Career to Film NO Curvature from Cockpit (Video 1:12)

In 2012, Felix Baumgartner broke the altitude record for jumping and parachuting from a balloon. As he stood in the door of his capsule, ready to jump, the curvature of the earth was extremely pronounced. The problem is, a fish eye lens was used. Also, if you notice the photographs, seconds before Baumgartner’s feet the ground in the New Mexico desert, the earth still had a pronounced curvature! This is because the Go Pro camera that was being used, used a fish eye lens. Any standard lens will always show a level horizon, no matter what the altitude the photograph is taken from!

The only reason you see a curvature to earth is because of the distortion
Of a “fish eye” lens. A “normal” lens will always show a flat horizon.

This shows what the horizon really looks like with a normal lens.


What is the Moon Really?

I was skeptical when I first began watching some videos about the moon but after watching them, many of these people have proven to me that we really don't know what the moon is. We don't know if it is a globe. It may be round and flat for all we really know. But wait you say, what about our astronauts going to the moon? Well, if you believe that men have been to the moon, you need to look at the truth. Even NASA says that we can't get past the Van Allen belts to get to the moon. Rockets don't work in space. There is nothing for them to push off of to turn space ships. Sorry, but you've been lied to.

He's onto something in this video! Why are ALL of the craters on the moon at 90 degree angles? Why are there no "dig" marks or canyons caused by an meteor hitting the moon? Also, with the same side of the moon always facing earth, how did the craters we see get past the earth? (Video 1:13)

One skeptic says that gravity pulled all those craters into a 90 degree angle to the moon! Baloney! How many meteors have you seen that are coming into the earth's atmosphere at 90 degree angles? They tell us that the earth has six times more gravity than the moon so if it is gravity that caused all those craters to hit the moon at 90 degree angles, how much more should all the meteors that come into the earth's atmosphere, be at 90 degree angles?

There is no telescope on earth that has enough resolution to see the leftover space junk from the Apollo missions that remains on the earth. NASA sent a probe that supposedly photographed the stuff that was left but even those photos leave a lot to be desired as far as resolution. Some people believe those photos were Photoshopped and they may well have been. Some people say those are holograms and things like that but I believe we did actually go to the moon and that all of that stuff we left REALLY is there but I believe the moon is much closer than we've been told!

The following image is from TheAtlantic.com

(From TheAtlantic.com) The remains of the Apollo 17 site in the moon's Taurus-Littrow Valley -- an image, released in 2011, sharp enough to show the tracks of the astronauts and their lunar rover in unprecedented detail. At top left you can see the mission's ALSEP, or its package of scientific instruments. In the center is the lunar module's descent stage ("Challenger"), as well as the module's experimental pallet, the ladder leading down to the lunar surface, and the life-support backpacks (PLSS) that crew members Gene Cernan and Jack Schmitt tossed out of their ascent module just before leaving the moon. You can also see paths left by walking astronauts and tracks left by lunar buggies. The image was captured by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, some 13 to 15 miles above the moon's surface. (NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University).

I believe the moon is much closer to earth than what we have been told. Perhaps ONLY 3,000 or 4,000 miles above the earth (according to other Flat Earthers - I DO NOT know how they come up with that number) ! I have seen these claims on videos on Youtube. It may be even closer! Many of those videos claim that the sun and moon are only 32 miles across. I have not seen any math to prove this and I would like to see it because I believe they should be able to prove it with some pretty simple mathematical calculations. Just because I believe the earth is flat, it doesn't mean I believe EVERYTHING that all flat earthers say.

If the moon is only 3,000 to 4,000 miles above earth, or less, that could answer how the Apollo 11 astronauts could be in low earth orbit one day and then within the next twenty-four hours, land on the moon. It is my opinion that, IF THE MOON IS ACTUALLY 258,000 MILES away, I don't care how good a telescope you have, you will NOT be able to see the craters we see from that far away! Take a telescope and see are any objects you can make out clearly.

One of the most distinguishable features we can see on the moon is the Tycho Crater. We are told the crater is 86 kilometers (53.4 miles) wide. That is a pretty big crater but are we really viewing it that clearly from approximately 250,000 miles away?

The Tycho crater on the moon is one of the most distinguishable features. We are told the moon is approximately 250,000 miles from earth yet we can see a crater exceptionally well that is 86km (53.4 miles) away. Is this truly possible? Just like the Sun, the Moon is not nearly as far away as we have been told! In fact, the Sun and Moon are almost the same size and circle around the Earth within the firmament dome that God placed over it.

Compare the view of the Earth from only 20,283.15 miles in space to the image of the moon and Tycho Crater. According to Wikipedia, the moon is 2,159 miles in diameter. The diameter of the Earth is 7,917.5 miles so the Earth is 3 2/3 times larger than the moon. How can we truly believe the moon is a quarter of a million miles away from us?

Using Google Earth, just as I did above showing the Earth, this is a view of the moon from half the distance as the photo above. This is the moon at 10,744.69 miles in space. As visible as Tycho Crater is to us here on Earth, we should be able to clearly see the Florida Keys from the Moon but we can't. This leads us to the obvious conclusion that the moon is NOT 238,900 miles away from the Earth!

The Florida Keys are approximately 100 miles long. That is almost twice the distance as the diameter of Tycho Crater on the moon. As you see in the images from Google Earth, even though the Keys are twice as long as Tycho crater is wide, they are not distinguishable from 20,384.15 miles away yet we can see Tycho Crater every time we see the moon and it is only have as wide as the Keys are long! Bear in mind, the view of the earth you are looking at from Google Earth is only one tenth of the distance to the moon. The next image shows the Moon at 10,744.69 miles and you can barely see the Tycho Crater. What if we multiply our viewing distance by 20 times, which is about the distance we are told we are from the Moon, do you REALLY think the crater would be visible?

Another point I want to make about the moon is how we see it is round and we automatically assume it is a ball. What if it is more like a pancake or a Frisbee? We assume that NASA has told us the truth when they say the Moon is a ball but how can that be proved other than images that could easily be faked?

If you look on Youtube, you can find videos that say NASA has been sending manned spacecraft to the moon and to Mars for several years now. I even saw some videos where a man claims to have worked for the U.S. government and went to Mars, several times, along with other people INCLUDING BARAK OBAMA! I know this sounds completely outlandish BUT IF the moon is less than 4,000 miles away from the earth, as it appears to be, under the dome and the other planets are also inside the dome of which the Bible speaks, there is a very good possibility it could be true that we have been sending men to the the moon and to Mars!

The highest one of the space shuttles ever flew was a little over 350 miles, if we can believe what NASA tells us. Do you really believe that the Apollo missions flew well over a half a million miles to the moon and back and yet, with newer technology, we have never even been close to the moon again? Why would we go bacwards? NASA frequently sent up classified missions for the military. Maybe they did go to the moon and Mars but kept all that information classified. Perhaps the space shuttle flights were just a ruse to cover up other space missions that we were never told about. It could be that there is a completely different way they are putting men into space without the use of conventional rockets. We just do not know what kind of technology NASA has. I was told by a man that worked for the government on many covert operations that, "If you can dream it up, our government has already done it."

The Bible tells us (I talk about it later on this page) there is a dome over the earth. Under that dome, God created the sun and moon AND the stars and planets to be lights to the earth. You can find Youtube videos which show these planets, which we have been told, are in our solar system and they do not appear anything like we have been told.

Genesis 1:14-18 (NLT)
14  Then God said, “Let great lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them mark off the seasons, days, and years.
15  Let these lights in the sky shine down on the earth.” And that is what happened.
16  God made two great lights, the sun and the moon—the larger one to govern the day, and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the        stars.
17  God set these lights in the sky to light the earth,
18  to govern the day and night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.

One of "proofs" that people use to prove that we DID go to the moon is that on one of the Apollo missions, the astronauts set up a reflector and scientists are able to bounce a laser beam off of it and measure the exact distance from the earth to the moon. The truth is, scientists were bouncing laser beams off the moon for years before 1969 when we are told astronauts from Apollo 11 first set foot on the moon.

Take a look at this video, I think it is very well done and the man that made it, Robert Bassano, is extremely intelligent.

THE MOON IS NOT ~384,400km = ~258,000 miles FROM SURFACE OF EARTH!! (Video 1:14)

I borrowed this image off the Web.

Did NASA Really Put Men on the Moon? What about the Moon?

Of course, we have been told that America put two men on the moon on July 20, 1969. I remember, as a nine year old boy watching the moon walk on television. We talked about it in school and we celebrated with the rest of the world when NASA's Lunar Module landed on the moon with Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin aboard, a feat unrivaled in the history of the world!

The whole moon program started in the early 1960's when President of the United States said we should put a man on the moon in that decade. Amazingly, if you belive the narative, we did put men on the moon! However, over fifty-four years later in 2024, after the last moon landing, no other people have ever gone to the moon! We have greater technology, more powerful computers but we can't get there. Astronaut Don Petit says that NASA destroyed the technology and another astronaut tells us that we can't get out of low earth orbit. Flat earthers have known that all along. Low earth orbit is not space but it is where jets fly. I even believe the International Space Station is probably flying in low earth orbit tethered from a very large balloon that is impossible to see. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that many, if not all, satellites fly around tethered to balloons.

So, did we REALLY put two men on the moon and then did other Apollo missions REALLY make it to the moon? The only way we could have gone to the moon is if it is much closer to earth than we have been told. Film has been found of Apollo 11 astronauts, Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong shutting the lights off in their "spaceship" and filming the oceans through the round windows, making them look like photos of "earth." This is an absolute fact. The next day they were supposed to have landed on the moon. If the moon is only around 3,000 miles from earth, then I believe we could have possibly pulled it off but if the moon is over 250,000 miles away, there is no way!

To be honest, you and I are NEVER really going to know, for a fact, if we did put men on the moon or if we didn't. In fact, thousands and thousands of NASA scientists and empolyees that worked on the lunar missions really don't know beyond a shadow of a doubt if men were really put on the moon. They BELIEVE we did but they do not know for a fact. Even the astronauts could have been tricked. I believe there are probably only a handfull of people who know the truth beyond the shadow of a doubt. All the parts made for the Apollo missions were made by many, many, manufacturers where the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing.

I do not believe the story is quite like what we have been told. We have been told, at least since I was born, that the moon is something like 258,000 miles from the earth. We have also been told that the sun is 93 million miles from the earth. I believe both of those statements are lies. We have also been told that the sun is stationary in our solar system and that all the planets rotate around the earth and at the same time, the earth spins one complete revolution every twentyfour hours. I believe this is also a lie. The Bible tells us that the earth is flat, round and is stationary! I believe the Bible is one hundred percent accurate when it is "rightly divided."

Researchers for a BBC documentary called, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Moon" found a film that Apollo 11 astronauts, Neal Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins made while they were in LOW EARTH ORBIT the DAY BEFORE THEY CLAIMED TO HAVE WALKED ON THE MOON! There is very good evidence that the film is legitimate. In the film, the astronauts are seen faking photographs of the earth. They darken the cabin of their spaceship and take a photograph of the clouds on earth through a circular window, giving the effect of looking at the moon from several thousand miles away in space! After the photograph is taken, the lights in the spaceship are turned back up and you clearly see Buzz Aldrin. There is no way possible that they could be in low earth orbit that day and then, the next day, be walking on the moon.

"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" shows proof from NASA itself that Apollo 11 crew members faked photographs of the earth from low earth orbit, making them look like they were from thousands of miles away. (Video 1:15)

Are the Stars and Planets Lights that are Excited by Sound Waves?

This is a very well-put-together video that shows how sound frequencies effect water. Some of the shapes made are absolutely beautiful. The Bible teaches that the earth was first created out of nothing. Then Lucifer, God's most beautiful angel was given dominion over the earth however he and other angels (we don't know how many and the Bible does not tell us one-third of them) fell out of grace with God due to their pride. Satan was then cast into the earth (Lk. 10:18). This destroyed the earth and killed all living beings on it. Then the Lord Jesus Christ recreated the earth out of material that already existed, in seven days (see my lesson on the Book of Genesis Lesson 4). When it was recreated, there was a mass of water in and on the earth. The Lord separated the water and put the sky in between which He called, "The Firmament."

Genesis 1:6-19 (NLT)
6  Then God said, “Let there be a space between the waters, to separate the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth.”
7  And that is what happened. God made this space to separate the waters of the earth from the waters of the heavens.
8  God called the space “sky.” And evening passed and morning came, marking the second day.
9  Then God said, “Let the waters beneath the sky flow together into one place, so dry ground may appear.” And that is what happened.
10  God called the dry ground “land” and the waters “seas.” And God saw that it was good.
11  Then God said, “Let the land sprout with vegetation—every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” And that is what happened.
12  The land produced vegetation—all sorts of seed-bearing plants, and trees with seed-bearing fruit. Their seeds produced plants and trees of the same kind. And God saw that it was good.
13  And evening passed and morning came, marking the third day.
14  Then God said, “Let great lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them mark off the seasons, days, and years.
15  Let these lights in the sky shine down on the earth.” And that is what happened.
16  God made two great lights, the sun and the moon—the larger one to govern the day, and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the stars.
17  God set these lights in the sky to light the earth,
18  to govern the day and night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.
19  And evening passed and morning came, marking the fourth day.

Actual Footage of the Stars and Planets, "Wandering Stars" as Captured by Curious Truth Seekers. (Video 1:16)

We see that God gave the stars and planets, along with the sun and the moon, to be "lights" in our sky (the firmament). Looking at these planets and stars, they look like lights which are shimmering inside of water. It is beautiful and amazing.

The planets and stars are simply lights that have been placed, by God Himself, inside the firmament to be lights on the earth at night. That is ALL THEY ARE! As technology for the masses improves, NASA is going to have to continue to change their stories and their lies. Already, people are beginning to see what they have told us over the years is incorrect and more and more people are going to come to the knowledge of the truth! I was born in 1959 and I can remember, even back to the early 60's, seeing what we were told, were "photographs" of the planets in our solar system. The truth is that these were NOT photographs but artist's conceptions and renditions of what they believed these planets looked like. On May 24, 2017 NASA announced that their JUNO probe had taken new photos of Jupiter. Look at the difference in what NASA used to show what Jupiter looked like compared to what they say it looks like now. Notice how much closer the newer "photo" looks like what amateurs are seeing when they photograph Jupiter! Photos of the earth from space are actually computer generated images (CGI) and NASA even admits it. Photographs are taken by high altitude aircraft in strips and then they are "stitched" together with computer programs. After that, clouds are added to the stitched photograph followed by other effects like a "hot spot" and other things to try and make the earth look like it is a globe. Folks, It is ALL A LIE! I did not want to believe I have been like to all of these years and that I bought into the lie but the more proof I see, the more I realize just how duped I was. The more I see, the more I realize just how simple it all is and I amazed that I bought into the lie of a globe earth! Everything PROVES the earth is flat!

This is how NASA has always depicted Jupiter. They depict the large orange "storm" and the clouds on the planet. This "photo" has been going around before NASA ever had any technology that would allow them to photograph the planet. Technology is increasing for the masses. Telescopes are getting better and amateurs are able to see what these planets or "lights" truly look like. As technology changes NASA will have to change their lies.

NASA claims that their JUNO spaceship took this photo of Jupiter on May 24, 2017. This "photo" looks much more like the true photographs of the planet that have been taken by amateur astronomists. Look above at my article about the possiblity of sound waves causing the planets to look as they do. In that video, you will see what the planets truly look like through a large telescope. The Bible is very clear that the planets and starts are simply lights inside the firmament (dome over the earth) that give light to the earth at night. The Bible has always, and always will, when rightly divided, prove out to be absolutely TRUE! https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/a-whole-new-jupiter-first-science-results-from-nasa-s-juno-mission

Rockets Cannot Propel In Space vacuum. NASA hoax

Brian Mullin is a structural engineer. He has been doing a series of videos on Youtube explaining how the theory of a globe earth cannot be true. The video below is interesting, proving that rocket propulsion will not work in the vacuum of space. Subscribe to his YouTube channel and learn a lot of other cool things! Unfortunately, Brian's video has been deleted from Youtube.

For some reason, in May 2017, Brian Mullin abruptly closed his Youtube channel and deleted all of his videos. Luckily, others had copied his videos and they are still available because of that. There has been no word from Brian Mullin as to why he removed his videos. (Video 1:17)

Because Brian's videos were removed from Youtube, this video explains how rocket propulsion cannot work in a perfect vacuum.

Here is another video where some simple tests are carried out to see how propulsion works. NASA stated in one of their videos that there does not have to be air molecules for the exhaust of a rocket to push off of. We are told that space is a perfect vacuum. If that is the case, if a rocket's exhaust does have to push off of air molecules then that would be absolute proof that rocket propulsion does not, cannot and never will work in space. The creator of this video takes on those theories.

Propulsion inSpace (Video 1:18)

Here is an interesting article about the Suez Canal I found on Reddit. It is about the Suez Canal. Click Here for the original article.

The London and Northwestern Railway forms a straight line 180 miles long between London and Liverpool. The railroad's highest point, midway at Birmingham station, is only 240 feet above sea-level. If the world were actually a globe, however, curveting 8 inches per mile squared, the 180 mile stretch of rail would form an arc with the center point at Birmingham raising a full 5,400 feet above London and Liverpool. Adding the station's actual height (240 feet) to its theoretical inclination (5,400 feet) gives 5,640 feet as the rail's necessary height on a globe Earth, more than a thousand feet taller than Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in Great Britain.

The Suez Canal which connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of Suez on the Red Sea is a clear proof of the Earth's and water's non-convexity. The canal is 100 miles long and without any locks so the water within is an uninterrupted continuation of the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. When it was constructed, the Earth's supposed curvature was not taken into account, it was dug along a horizontal datum line 26 feet below sea-level, passing through several lakes from one sea to the other, with the datum line and the water's surface running perfectly parallel over the 100 miles. The average level of the Mediterranean is 6 inches above the Red Sea, while the floodtides in the Red Sea rise 4 feet above the highest and drop 3 feet below the lowest in the Mediterranean, making the half-tide level of the Red Sea, the surface of the Mediterranean Sea, and the 100 miles of water in the canal, all a clear continuation of the same horizontal line! Were they instead the supposed curved line of globe-Earthers, the water in the center of the canal would be 1666 feet (502 x 8 inches = 1666 feet 8 inches) above the respective Seas on either side!

If you're interested in more proofs in this direction, check out Eric Dubay's "The Flat-Earth Conspiracy" or one of his many youtube videos.

Eric Dubay's "200 Proofs the Earth is Not a Spinning Ball" Video.

200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball Videobook (Video 1:19)

Don't want to watch the video? Click Here to open the .pdf file and read it.

Why have we been lied to and told that the earth is a globe?

Here is the answer to everyones' questions, "Why would anyone lie to us and tell us the earth is a globe if it isn't?" and "What does it matter to me if the earth is a globe or if it is flat?"

The modern Atheist Big Bang Heliocentric Globe-Earth Chance Evolution paradigm spiritually controls humanity by removing God, or any sort of intelligent design, and replacing purposeful divine creation with haphazard random cosmic coincidence.

"The heliocentric theory, by putting the Sun at the center of the Universe ... made man appear to be just one of a possible host of wanderers drifting through a cold sky. It seemed less likely that he was born to live gloriously and to attain Paradise upon his death. Less likely, too, was it that he was the object of God's ministrations." -Morris Kline

By removing Earth from the motionless center of the Universe, these Freemasons have moved us physically and metaphysically from a place of supreme importance to one of complete atheistic and nihilistic indifference. If the Earth is the center of the Universe, then the ideas of God, creation, and a purpose for human existence are resplendent. But if the Earth is just one of billions of planets revolving around billions of stars in billions of galaxies, then the ideas of God, creation, and a specific purpose for Earth and human existence become highly implausible.

An excerpt from "Why Would They Lie About The Earth Being Flat" by Shahzwar Bugti. To read the entire article, go to: http://knowledgeisking.ning.com/forum/topics/why-would-they-lie-about-the-earth-being-flat-by-shahzwar-bugti

Does NASA Fake Videos and Photographs?

If you look around very much on YouTube, you will find a lot of videos where people claim that NASA fakes many of their photographs and videos. The videos will tell you that NASA uses CGI (Computer Generated Images) when they show us "photographs" of the earth. Many debunkers believe NASA's earth photos are simply Photoshopped images that have been created by graphic artists. They also tell us that many of the videos from the International Space Station (ISS) are filmed on earth using Chromakey green screens and are then made to look like they are actually in space. There are also videos of "space walks" around the ISS that may very well be filmed in NASA's huge water tanks where we are told the astronauts train on earth for the space walks they will take in space. One astronaut almost drowned when his helmet began to fill with water when he was on a space walk. How could this be if space is a vacuum like we are told. WAS HE in a huge water tank in Houston instead of in space?

The following video is from ABC. It aired right after the astronaut was reported to nearly have drowned inside his space helmet while he was on a space walk.

Astronaut Nearly Drowned Inside Helmet: NASA - ABC News (Video 1:20)

In the next video, you will see how NASA uses HUGE tanks of water to train their astronauts for space walks and possibly even to fake space walks.

Drowning In Space ? NASA 2016 - Flat Earth (Video 1:21)

Does NASA use Chromakey green screen technology to fake their videos?

Nasa's GreenScreen Giveaways ~33~ (Video 1:22)

If many of these videos and photographs are fake, how did NASA fake them BEFORE Photoshop (first released in 1990) and other software was available that would allow NASA to fake them? The following video gives us some insight. Watch closely and as you see the launch of the INSAT satellite, you will see it is CLEARLY a model. You will see other things that make it pretty clear that the film was faked.

NASA - how to fake space badly in 1983 - GREAT find by Geoshifter - Flat Earth (Video 1:23)

View from a USAF SR-71 Blackbird - Just One More Proof the Earth HAS to be Flat!

In this video, the pilot of an SR-71 Blackbird spy plane talks about how far he would see from 89,000 feet agl (above ground level). If the earth is truly a globe, it is very easy to calculate just how far it is possible to see things when you are that high. Watch the video and check it out for yourselves!

USAF Proves the earth is FLAT in a SR71 Pilot testimony Flat Earth (Video 1:24)

The Hubble Space Telescope is a scam!

Here are a couple of incredible videos about the Hubble Space Telescope. Robert Bassano is BRILLIANT! Listen closely and don't miss these videos!

***Language Warnng***


Does Edward Snowden Believe the Earth is Flat? (Video 1:26)


How High is the Dome Over the Center of the Earth? How Far Apart are the Tropics?

No one knows for sure. Looking up the diameter of the earth on Google, the answer is given as 7,917.5 miles.

Assuming a bubble in a vacuum is a perfect circle and assuming the dome is a perfect half circle, then the center of the dome, directly above the North Pole, would be considerably higher than the diameter of the earth or 3,958.75 miles high above the very center of the flat plane of the earth.

Very little is known about the dome but the Bible tells us about it.

Genesis 1:6-8 (KJV)
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

When we rainbows, we are seeing light reflecting off of the dome. Some people believe the United States government ran some tests in 1962 to see if they could penetrate the dome. They called this Operation Fishbowl and Operation Dominic.

According the Biblical model of the earth, God, in the re-creation of the earth in Genesis 1:2, placed a dome over the earth to separate the waters above and below it. The sun and moon were created and placed within the dome. Stars and what we call planets, are simply lights within the firmament. As far as we know, man has never been able to break through this barrier.

The dome has to reach out past the arctic ice sheet. 48 nations have signed onto a treaty that will not allow anyone to search out Antartica to find out the answers to this incredible mystery.

In 1946, 47, Admiral Richard Byrd led operation HIgh Jump, taking research equipment, aircraft and ships to Antartica. Byrd reported finding a land mass as large as America beyond the south pole. How could this be unless the earth is flat and there is land beyond the ice sheets of Antartica? Byrd also reported that a warm, fresh water lake was found in Antartica. He said the water temperature was about 75 degrees!

This may be what our earth looks like with the dome/firmament surrounding it.

The sun rotates around the earth from the 23.5 degrees North of the equator at the Tropic of Cancer in the globe earth theory. And it ends up 23.5 degrees south of the equator at the Tropic of Capricorn.

Each degree is 22 miles. 

The equator is 3,958.75 miles from the North Pole.

The Arctic Circle is 517 miles from the North Pole and 1,462 miles from the equator.

The Tropic of Cancer is 1,463 miles from the North Pole and 517 miles from the equator.

The equator is 1,979 miles from the North Pole.

The Tropic of Capricorn is 2,496 miles from the North Pole and 517 miles from the equator.

The Antarctic Circle is 3,442 miles from the North Pole and 1,462 miles from the equator.



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