Patrick Joseph McMullan's Grave

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I received this new e-mail and new photos from Will Carter on March 19, 2004. Thanks Will for your hard work!


My wife, Cindy, my first cousin on the Carter side, Martha Richardson, her husband Larry Richardson (who is a McMullan cousin) and I returned to
Patrick's grave site on Sunday for a little more exploring. We have now located two more marked stones in the grave site in addition to Patrick's marker.

One is marked "S. McM., 1771-1818" and is almost certainly Patrick's first wife, Sarah Fannie Walker McMullan.

The other is marked as follows: "P. McM, S. McM., 1791". I think this stone records the date of their marriage in Orange County, VA although the records I have seen indicate the marriage date to have been 1792.

Also after cleaning Patrick's marker off, the markings on the back side and top are clear as the photo will show. The date of 1927 is marked on top of the marker and on the side is marked " by W. J. McMullan". This is probably William Jesse McMullan from Mississippi. According to the note on the hand drawn map which Jay obtained in Mississippi last year and sent to me, W. J. McMullan originally drew the map.

I have also included pictures of our intrepid band of explorers. The first picture is left to right, Will Carter, Larry Richardson, and Martha Richardson. The second picture is my wife Cindy Carter, me, and Martha Richardson. These shots also show what the grave site looks like and you can well see why it was not easy to find.

I will be taking my Uncle, Marion Jefferson McMullan, Jr. to the site on Wednesday. Mac is 79 and has wanted to find this grave for years so I am looking forward to taking him there.

I also want to thank an old friend from my high school days, Bill Seawright, who owns the property that we have to cross for easy access to the grave. He has most graciously allowed us to go through his property to get there as otherwise it would be a really long walk. Thanks Bill!

Will Carter

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